
Healing Touch Classes

Healing Touch Classes now available at

La Bella Luce.

October 22 & 23, 2022

In Person

Sign up now as class is filling up fast:

We are excited to bring to you the opportunity to take Healing Touch Classes.

The Healing Touch Program™ is an international, multi-level educational program in energy based medicine therapy.  Each level includes both experiential and didactic learning, and the opportunity to practice and share experiences after learning energy-based techniques.   Healing Touch has a strong desire to encourage your personal growth and to increase your ability to use holistic health principles.

“Healing Touch is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association and the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association (CHNA). Practitioners and Instructors are certified through an independent certification process. When one completes the Healing Touch Program (after Level 5), they may apply for certification.

Healing Touch Certified Practitioners are recognized internationally as having achieved a professional level of energetic therapy competence. Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP) credential has become the first Energy Medicine profession to achieve accreditation through the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the accrediting body of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE).

The Healing Touch Program is open to all individuals desiring an in-depth understanding of healing work using energy-based principals. Our classes have included nurses, physicians, body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, other healthcare professionals, clergy and spiritual leaders, hospice personnel and other individuals interested in helping others in their community, loved ones and themselves. Nurses and massage therapists who take Healing Touch classes can earn Continuing Education contact hours.” (HTP)

To enroll in Healing Touch Level 1 Contact Lynn at 414-640-4977

See Workshops and Classes for more information on dates and times.