
Energy Therapy

Energy Therapy Techniques

Ama Deus: A powerful, energy-based shamanic healing system from an Amazon rain forest tribe uses Universal love and a series of ancient symbols to transmit energy and balance the energy centers within the body using visualization or touch. Learn more about Ama Deus.

Bio-Energetic -A method of psychotherapy which is intended to restore the body to its natural spontaneous state of freedom.  The process involves releasing tension in various muscles. Learn more at Bio-Energetic.

Counseling:  You receive supportive counseling appropriate for your belief and value system, facilitating spiritual growth to help find your authentic self and to achieve empowerment.

Esoteric Healing –A form of energy work that changes a person’s life and inner motivation involving various aspects of the person including the soul.  Learn more about Esoteric Healing.

Healing Touch ™: This heart-centered energy therapy clears imbalances and disturbances from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of your energy field restoring health to your energy system. Learn more about Healing Touch ™.

Intuitive Assistance: When life changes occur, intuitive assistance can help you make effective decisions more quickly and discover the higher aspects involved in any situation or challenge.  Learn more about Intuitive Assistance.

Psychoenergetic: A healing technique that is a modality which blends conventional psychotherapy and spiritual healing.  Learn more about Psychoenergetic.

Reiki: (pronounced ray’-key) The word means Divine wisdom and life force energy and is a form of hands-on healing. Reiki complements all conventional health and wellness techniques. Learn more about Reiki.

Meditation Group: Our Group meets weekly to gain the peace and achieve the calm that regular meditation brings.  We meet every week on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.

Energy Healing Share: A group open to professionals and laypersons who wish to expand their knowledge and expertise through practical application of energy healing shared. Learn more about our Energy Healing Share group.
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